[Makebelieve] Fic: brothers of the blood 29

makebelieve archive makebelievearchive at gmail.com
Sun Sep 14 11:12:01 PDT 2008

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Dalton clawed his way up through dark cotton, waking groggily and in stages,
and realized he was not in his quarters.

So, what the hell was he doing in sickbay?

"You're finally awake." Domani's silver glance drifted across the diagnostic
panel, checking the readings. "How are you feeling, Commander?"

"Tired," Dalton grumbled, his tongue sandpaper dry. "And thirsty." He shoved
the light blanket away and swung leaden legs over the side of the bed, only
to have a wave of vertigo sweep over him, threatening to lie him out on the
hard floor.

Domani grabbed Dalton's arm as he began to fall, steadying him. "Careful,

Dalton tossed him a dangerous glare. "Why the bloody hell am I here?"

"You collapsed on the bridge."

"Did I? Surely not."

"Commander, you've been neglecting your health. Not getting enough rest."

"But I am recovered now?"

"Your bioscans are normal," Domani said, pouring a tumbler of iced lemon
water from a pitcher beside the bed. "But it will take time for your
strength to return."

"I haven't got time to lie about in bed." Dalton stubbornly pushed to his
feet. And once more his head swam and he slumped heavily back onto the bed.

Sighing, Domani steadied him again. "I told you go slow." He pressed the
tumbler into Dalton's trembling hand. "Drink. It will help."

Dalton stared at the iced water for a long moment, then conceded, taking a
tiny sip, relishing the tart cold purity. After a second cautious sip, he
passed the barely touched glass back.

"All of it, Commander."

Daggers flashed in his crystalline eyes before Dalton tipped the chilled
glass to his pale lips and slowly drank the first half.

"Now the rest."

Glowering at the diligent man, he emptied the glass quickly, greedily. Still
glaring, he thrust the chill-beaded glass into Domani's waiting hand.


"You're not going to force the issue?"

"I do not think so. Will you have more?"

"Not yet."

Domani smiled indulgently. "You are a most stubborn man, Commander."

"I prefer to think of myself as knowing my own mind."

"Call it whatever you wish, it still comes out as being stubborn. So, tell
me, do you have pain? The headache, perhaps?"

Dalton grinned, realizing that his mind was sharp and focused once more.
"No. The headache is completely gone. Domani, how long have I been here?"

Domani met his gaze. "You were unconscious for two days seven and a half

"That long? Well, there's nothing for it now. Domani, what's been happening
since I was...." He pressed his lips into a thin line, gesturing around the
sickbay. "Detained?"

"The tests have been successfully completed. We are currently enjoying a
cloaked and apparently undetected stationary orbit around Euzkadi."

"So, the test flight did go well? No problems?"

Domani nodded. "The results have been recorded. Their flagged for your

"You have already gone over them?"

"Yes, Commander."

"And found nothing suspect?"


"I'd thought...Ah, it's not important," he sighed, easing his weight onto
shaking legs. Black shadows nibbled at the edge of his vision, but he
clenched his teeth, refusing to acknowledge the weakness of his body.

"Commander, you are not ready to leave the medical unit."

"Give it up, Domani. I don't feel compelled to argue the right and wrong of
this. Not now," Dalton snapped, leaning against the bed until his lethargic
legs stopped quivering. Finally confident that he wasn't about to fall flat
on his face, he pushed away from the support. "You see?"

"You are all right?"

"The spin is gone. I'm going to the bridge."

Domani grabbed Dalton's arm, halting him. "There is something else I must
speak with you about, father. Something I did not mention to the rest of the

Dalton stopped, suddenly alert. Domani only addressed him in this familiar
manner occasionally. And then, only when the matter discussed was personal
to one of them.

"You have my attention."

"It concerns your illness, father. It was not a natural occurrence."

"What are you trying to tell me?"

"When you were brought down to sickbay, I took certain... liberties."

"What liberties?"

Domani's eyes shied away. "You have ignored your physicals too long. I

Dalton chuckled. "You thought while I was unconscious and couldn't protest,
you'd take the advantage?"

"Yes, father."

Dalton sent him a devilish grin. "Sorry I put you in that position. Go on.
What did you find?"

"Someone has been tampering with your immune system, father."

"Tampering how?"

"A biological nanoagent was introduced into your body. These nanos were
programed to attack your white blood cells. They also blocked the absorption
of ATP by your body, and I suspect, were the reason behind your headaches
and eventual collapse."

"I'm a little rusty in biological chemistry, Domani. What the hell is ATP?"

"Adenosine triphosphate."

"Which is?"

"ATP is a high energy molecule, Commander. It is considered the most
important form of readily available energy in human cells. In essence, the
energy unit that provides your strength."

A dark frown slanted over his brow. "But you believe I am recovered?"

"Yes, father. I was able to counter the effects and eliminate the


"You do not want to know, father, just be assured that you are indeed
recovered. Nevertheless, as I said before, you have not yet regained your
full strength. You will have to ease back into your normal routine. And I
want to run a follow-up on you from time to time."

"Sure, Domani. Whatever you say. If there's nothing else...." Dalton quirked
his brow. "Then, I'm still going to the bridge."

"Can you make it alone?"

"I am not a child or a doddering old man for that matter." He affectionately
patted Domani's shoulder, then turned on his heel and strode confidently out
of the sickbay.

As the door slid shut, concealing him from Domani's suspicious gaze, Dalton
leaned heavily against the corridor wall. "Oh, Lord," he muttered, sucking
in a harsh shuddering breath. "I really don't have time for this."

He definitely wanted to get back to his bridge, that was certain, but he
didn't want to get there only to land at the feet of the people on duty. A
repeat performance like that could get damn embarrassing.

After a moment, he groped around in his back hip pocket. His trembling
fingers closed around a small vial and he shook out a tiny purple caplet and
swallowed it dry, knowing he was going to need the condensed sapo if he were
going to beat the insidious weakness.

As the drug quickly dissolved, a rush of energy flushed through his system
and he pushed away from the wall, moving with studied care down the hall,
ignoring the fact that his legs were shaking with each step.

* * * * * *

Stepping onto the bridge, Dalton found Ian leaning lazily back in the flight
module with his lids drooping heavily. As he watched, Ian leaned forward and
tapped his controlboard with no apparent aim, casually swinging his hand
from one control to the next.

Glancing at the main screen, Dalton confirmed they were in a primary parking
orbit around Euzkadi. The ship was under Yama's expert guidance, leaving Ian
with the sole duty of monitoring the readings periodically printed over his
terminal. It was a job he could do in his sleep, and from the look of it, he
was very nearly doing just that.

"I am told you completed the test flight?" Dalton said, breaking the quiet.

Ian turned the flight module around lazily and frowned. "You sure you should
be up here, boss?"

"I have Domani's assurance my..." Dalton paused, his lips tightening over
his teeth. "Complaint has passed. The tests? You had no difficulties
according to Domani. What are your feelings"

Ian flashed a reckless smile. "Hellequin came through everything we could
think to throw at her. Fact is, she gave us better results than we've ever
gotten before." He patted the arm of his chair lovingly. "Sure and you've
done a hell of a job putting her back together." He cut Dalton a slanted
glance. "But the cost to you personally was a wee bit high."

Dalton stared at him icily. "Where's everyone gone? Their quarters?"

"Adric went back to the planet. He was anxious to get back to his lady."

"Then you have nothing to report?"

"Far as Hellequin is concerned, everything's smooth as sweaters, but
downstairs it be getting a little warm. Some nasty happenings are going on."

Dalton moved slowly to the crash chaise and eased into it. The chair hummed
softly, adjusting to him. "Tell me."

"Adric called up shortly after we put him down. Seems there's a body count
building down there."


"There have been several fatal accidents." Ian scowled darkly, shaking his
head. "Least they looked like accidents on the surface. Bad ones. Adric did
some digging, though, and now suspects the accidents were out and out
murders." He bithis lower lip thoughtfully. "Dal, it be turning bloody down

A predatory smile touched Dalton's full lips. "So the hunter has decided to
make a serious move."

Ian propped his chin on his fist, grinning. "I be thinking so."

Dalton stared coolly at the main screen, contemplating the slowly turning
planet. "Our crew. None of them are down there, are they?"

Ian grunted apologetically. "'Fraid so. Paris went down when he heard Adric
was in trouble. He's been sticking pretty close to the man. Thought he might
be able to help."

"The stupid idiot." Dalton clenched his fist as he swung to his feet and
strode to Communications. "Paris is putting himself in unnecessary danger.
Doesn't he realize he might well be a primary target?" Dalton shook his
head, his still pale lips curling with unrestrained anger. "Damn, what is
Adric thinking of by letting Paris go down there."

"Paris made the decision to go, na' Adric. Look, when are you going to tell
us what you suspect? That information could be helpful to us all." Ian
shoved his fingers through his unruly curls. "Hell, Adric and Nykita are
going crazy trying to get a handle on things."

"I imagine it would appear that way," Dalton drawled sarcastically.
"However, I'm not ready to give anyone the mole's name. Just be aware that
this particular traitor's exceptionally careful to appear loyal. Up until
this moment, I've only had my gut reaction and now, a rash of instrumented
accidents that could have been caused by anyone."

"And the attack on this ship, eh?"

"Yes." Dalton punched his fist into the call button. "Adric, acknowledge the
Hellequin." He turned back to Ian, quirking his brow. "You never told me
where the ladies have hidden themselves away."

"They took over the engineering section while Domani was looking after...."
Ian darkened a shade. "Ah, they be running a series of continuous scans.
Arissa thought we should keep a security watch on the ship."

"I seem to recall saying that all along."

"Aye, that you did. We apparently took a little long getting with the

Dalton probed Ian's open gaze then nodded, satisfied. "It's reassuring to
know you've finally come around to my way of thinking."

"Adric here." His voice broke over Communications, thick and distracted.
"It's good to have you back in action, haurride."

Dalton grunted. "We need to talk, Adric. Prepare for immediate teleport."

"Can't do it," Adric protested. "Sorry, my friend. I can't leave the base
right now. We have something of a situation down here."

Dalton's fists clenched rapidly open and shut, open and shut. "So I've
heard. Listen, it can't wait, Adric. I'm coming down."

"Do you think that's such a good idea?" Nykita broke in.

"Oh yes," Dalton breathed, his tone dangerous. "I most assuredly think it's
a good idea." He broke the link, leaving the air filled with dead silence.

Spurred by apprehension, Dalton strode toward the transporter, snatching up
a recall band from the storage bank as he moved past it. He secured the band
on his wrist without breaking stride.

His hand darted to his waist, reaching for his weapon. A weapon that was not
there. He'd neglected to check it out of the armory.

Ian sauntered to the armory and pulled the gun Dalton favored from its slot.
He tossed the gun to Dalton. "Keep alert, Dal."

Dalton caught the gun neatly in mid-spin.

"Are you positive you want to go downstairs, Dal? I could go down and talk
to Adric."

Ignoring the offer, Dalton checked his gun's power reserve and strapped it
on. It would do him no good to be caught with low power if their enemy
decided he was becoming too dangerous. The gun riding comfortably on his
hip, he turned back toward Ian with his dark brow arched curiously. "What
use would sending you be, Ian? Do you know what I intend to say to Adric?
What I go down to do?"

Ian grinned, shrugging his shoulders. "Dumb idea, what?"

Dalton chuckled deep in his throat. "Dumb idea, yes. You can't do what needs
doing on Euzkadi." He moved onto the transporter pad and pointed toward the
controls. "Ready when you are."

Settling at the console, Ian double checked the preset coordinates,
verifying them. "I do have a word of warning, though."

Dalton stood with his legs spread for easy balance, his hands resting on his
trim hips. "Say what you have too."

"It occurs to me that if Paris is a target just being Paris, than you would
be at an even greater risk, considering who you are and what you suspect."

"Yes. That's the chance I'm taking," Dalton agreed sarcastically. "So, maybe
you'll take my command before the day is out, my ambitious friend."

"Very funny," Ian drawled, scowling. "Sure and I may be ambitious. I may
even have my eye on your command, but I be na' a fool. If I let you go down
and something happens to you, Arissa would have me drawn and quartered
before your body was cold. Just watch you back, Dalton."

Dalton nodded, sighing. "I appreciate your concern, but things being what
they are, I have limited choices."

"You do have choices, then?"

Dalton hesitiated. "That's what I aim to find out. I have to know what the
players are up to if I am to control the game. And I can't do that without
checking the board."

"And you'll be telling me what makes you think you can control this when no
one else can?"

Dalton's smile was coated in ice. "That should have been obvious."

"Too you maybe, but na' us lesser mortals."

"It's really quite simple, Ian. I don't trust the person I suspect."
Breathing deeply, slowly, he considered his words with care. "Look, the base
is being sabotaged. In my mind, that means they have become expendable.
Those people must be removed from danger. Quickly, if they are to survive."

"You be talking evacuation."

"I see no other way. Evacuation will remove a powerful weapon from the hands
of our enemy, in effect disarming him." He smiled grimly. "Besides, Adric
won't leave those people if he thinks he can protect even one. And Paris
won't go without him. He thinks he's safe with Adric. Safer than with us, or
he wouldn't be down there right now."

"Ah," Ian breathed, leaning his arms on the console. "Now I be understanding
your uncharacteristic concern for the base personal. It relates directly to
your own safety."

Dalton laughed shortly. "Can you think of a better reason?" He jerked at his
cuffs impatiently. "Put me down. We're running out of time."


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