After Party: Faerieworlds 2017
Dennis' Lair

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Regrettably, all good things must come to an end.

But then, that's the time where the pubs blow their kegs out, people revel in the energy built up, share the memories of the weekend, and rest up before packing their gear and heading home.

I had done this a bit in 2012 - or more to the point, party hopped. Before that, I had done this in '11 - another party hop where I partied so hard I wound up just car camping to compensate for an ever-deflating air mat in my tent that year.

But this year, it kinda hit home for me. I felt connected, I felt loved, and after a relationship that just threw me for a bad loop the prior year, I felt loved and welcome.

For now, the dust has settled and the realm has returned to where it came from. I plan on being there next year.

© Dennis Carr - all rights reserved
Last modified Sun Sep 3 2017 23:15:02 PDT