[Makebelieve] Fic: Complications 2 (XFiles- MPreg) PG

makebelieve archive makebelievearchive at gmail.com
Sat Sep 6 22:12:57 PDT 2008

Complications 2
Email: makebelievearchive at gmail.com
Author's websites: http://peja1956.livejournal.com and
Fandom: XFiles
Pairing: Krycek/
Portrayed by: (optional) Nicholas Lea
Category: series
Series/Sequel: Follows Complications 1
Brief Summary: Krycek wakes up in a strange bed, the child gone
Warnings: angst
Notes/acknowledgments: Dedicated to those of you who asked for more of this
short fic
General thanks to all of you folks who are requesting short fics and improvs
in the various fandoms. You're keeping the words flowing.
Disclaimers: Not mine
Archive: Yes, but ask first, include the complete story and provide a URL to
the archive
Forwarding to other lists: Okay, but keep my name and headers attached. A
heads up would be nice as well.

He clung to the last wisps of sleep, subconsciously not wantng to face the
brual light of day. He'd faced too many next days after the birthings to
expect anything different, but as it does, sleep could only hold reality at
bay for so long and no long. So was it even now, as wakefulness greedily
swept in the dash his heart against the ravages of what would be.

Opening his eyes to the garish glaring florescent lights, he winced away. He
lifted an arm over his eyes shading them and his hopeful gaze moved around
the room, mentally taking stock.

The walls, painted in faux leather tans, told him he was not in one of the
consortium hell holes. So where?

And where was his child?

He allowed himself a frustrated and bitter short snort of a laugh. Gone. The
baby was gone. Just like all the others he'd been forced to bear.

For a brief moment, he let himself wonder if any of the children he'd born
were still alive. Not that he'd ever know. They had been taken from him
directly from the womb....Did he have a womb? Had they fucked with his
genetics to the point that he was a biologically manufactured woman-man.

Freaked out with the direction of his thoughts he ran his hand over his
groin. Cock. Balls. He sighed. No vagina.

A weak giggle floated around him. He bite down hard on his lower lip,
drawing blood, stifling the hysteria threatening to take him over.

God, where was his baby? "I'm so sorry, little one." he spoke to the lost
child. "I wanted to keep you safe. I wanted to." A sob break over him. "I
would have killed you if..." He rolled onto his side and curled into a fetal
position. "God, let me die. let me die before they force me to have

The door pushed open. A nurse crossed to him, smiling brightly. "Good
morning, Mr Krycek. How are we feeling today?" She frowned over his tears.
"Feeling blue, are we? Well, its to be expected. You went through somethng
mighty amazing, you know?" She offered another mega-wat smile. "I mean its
not every day you hear of a man giving birth, is it?"

Krycek stared at her, slack-jawed. "Are you for real?" He asked, suddenly

"well, I believe so." She plucked up his wrist, chattering away about
everything and nothing as she continued through her routine, checking his
blood pressure. Rolling him over on his back to knead his stomach.

Stunned by the no-nonsense flighty confusion that was this perky nurse of
matronly age, Krycek put up no resistance.

"So, are you ready to have a little visitor?" she asked at length.


"Hmmmm," she nodded. "I assume you will want to at least try to nurse."

"N...Nurse?" Tears flooded his eyes and raced down his cheeks. "The.. baby?"
He clutched her hand, eyes pleading. "I...I can see..it?"

"Well, you are his daddy, aren't you?" She frowned, "Or his mommy?" she
waved a flustered hand. "My goodness, young man, you really have made a
confusion for old nanny Emmy to try to sort out, haven't you?"

Krycek offered her a watery smile. "S...so...sorry..."

Emmy patted his hand gently. "Now never you mind, pet. Nanny is going to
take real good care of mommy and son. You just lie back and let me go fetch
the boy." She brushed back the hair that had fallen over Krycek's eyes.
"You, young man, should give some thought to what your going to call your
little fella."

And than she was gone, leaving Krycek to twist in the confusion of what had
just happened.


Feedback, anyone?  Requests?...is that an echo I hear....?

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